Your favourite virtue ::
la tempérance et son contraire / temperance and its opposite

Your favourite qualities in a man ::

Your favourite qualities in a woman ::

Your favourite occupation ::

Your idea of happiness ::
qui est relatif / which is relative

Your idea of misery ::
je ne suis pas d'accord avec les machines / i don't agree with machines

If not yourself, who would you like to be ::
architecte gastronomiste / gastronomist architect

Where would you like to live ::
ailleurs / somewhere else

Your favourite color ::
Rose fuchsia

Your favourite flower ::

Your favourite prose authors ::
Paul Auster, Charles Bukowski, Philip K. Dick, Tristan Egolf ...

Your favourite poets ::
Blake, Rimbaud ...

Your favourite heroes in fiction ::
Pierre Saint-Menoux dans le "Voyageur imprudent", John Kaltenbrunner dans "Le seigneur des porcheries" ...

Your favourite heroines in fiction ::
Trinity dans "The Matrix" lorsqu'elle dit "All guy do", Mia Walace dans Pulp Fiction ...

Your favourite painters ::
les enfants / children

Your favorite composers ::
Mike Patton

Your favourite heroes in real life ::
Les employés de la déchèterie / the employees of the waste station

Your favourite heroines in real life ::
Les fourmis / ants

What character(s) in history do you most dislike ::
celui ou celle à l'esprit le plus étroit / the one with the narrowest mind

Your favourite food and drink ::
Les fruits & le thé

Your favourite names ::
Siegfried & Charlotte

Your pet peeve (something that easily annoys you)::
Les chaines de restaurants

The change you most anticipate::
le vent

A gift of nature I would like to have ::
être hermaphrodite 

How I would like to die ::
Sauter à l'élastique d'un hélicoptère, rebondir vers les pales de son hélice principale qui me déchiquetterait entièrement répendant ainsi une pluie visqueuse sur un défilé débile (genre manif pour tous ...). / Bungee jumping from a helicopter, bouncing back to the blades of his main propeller that would shred me completely thereby releasing a slimy rain on a stupid parade (kind of french demonstration against same-sex marriage law).

What is your present state of mind ::
curieux de l'avenir / curious of the future

For what fault have you the most toleration ::

Your favourite motto ::
Du chaos naît la vie / from chaos comes life

17 avril 2019 - 10:40

Nicolas Tourte is a visual artist, living in France.
