Your favorite virtue ::
Your favorite qualities in a man ::
Your favorite qualities in a man ::
Imagination, Intelligence, Humor
Your favorite qualities in a woman ::
Your favorite qualities in a woman ::
Imagination, Intelligence, Humor
Your favorite occupation ::
Your favorite occupation ::
Drawing and book publishing
Your idea of happiness ::
Your idea of happiness ::
A place where the animals are wild but friends with one another and live and play all around together in a peaceable kingdom.
Your idea of misery ::
Your idea of misery ::
Being trapped in a densely overcrowded restaurant, or microbrewery, filled with vain and superficial people so as to be unable to move for eternity.
If not yourself, what you would like to be ::
If not yourself, what you would like to be ::
Leonardo da Vinci
Where would you like to live ::
Where would you like to live ::
In the future
Your favorite color and flower ::
Your favorite color and flower ::
Reflective neon orange and yellow and Pansies
Your favorite prose authors ::
Your favorite prose authors ::
Steven Jesse Bernstein, William S. Burroughs and Dostoevsky
Your favorite poets ::
Your favorite poets ::
Steven Jesse Bernstein and Danielle Willis
Your favorite heroes in fiction ::
Your favorite heroes in fiction ::
I don’t really read fiction
Your favorite heroines in fiction ::
Your favorite heroines in fiction ::
I prefer textbooks and art catalogs to fiction
Your favorite painters and composers ::
Your favorite painters and composers ::
Painters at the moment would be Witkacy, Andy Wilf, and Jack Goldstein but that changes constantly. Composers would be Zeitkratzer and Vicky Chow.
Your favorite heroes in real life ::
Your favorite heroes in real life ::
Tehching Hsieh, Chris Burden, and John Duncan
Your favorite heroines in real life ::
Your favorite heroines in real life ::
Carolee Schneemann, Morgan O’Hara, Linda Montano
What character (s) in history do you most dislike ::
What character (s) in history do you most dislike ::
Slave traders and brutal bosses
Your favorite food and drink ::
Your favorite food and drink ::
Seafood and Evan Williams
Your favorite names ::
Your favorite names ::
Dumbass, Shithead
Your pet peeve (something that easily annoys you) ::
Your pet peeve (something that easily annoys you) ::
When rich clean people continuously bump into me
The change you most anticipate ::
The change you most anticipate ::
Redefining drawing and changing our perception of what drawing can be
I would like to have ::
The resources to make all of my drawing experiments a reality
How I would like to die ::
I would like to have ::
The resources to make all of my drawing experiments a reality
How I would like to die ::
In my sleep 30+ years from now
What is your present state of mind ::
What is your present state of mind ::
Clear headed
For what fault have you the most toleration ::
For what fault have you the most toleration ::
A violent nature
Your favorite motto ::
Your favorite motto ::
Practice makes perfect
6 mars 2019 - 15:39
Musician, performer, spoken word poet, editor, daily self-portraitist, Bryan is living in Johnson City.
⊕ Bryan Lewis Saunders
Photo by Billie Wheeler
Musician, performer, spoken word poet, editor, daily self-portraitist, Bryan is living in Johnson City.
⊕ Bryan Lewis Saunders
Photo by Billie Wheeler